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Ancestors Legacy – Review


Ancestors Legacy is a squad based real-time strategy game, set during the Medieval times. It is some what historically accurate and has campaigns based on real wars. Also, it’s kind of tough and has a lot of intricacies to it, which feels great. You send your men out in squads, which makes the individual combat encounters feel more personal and give you greater control over what each squad does. This makes for some good strategic depth, and requires that you pay more attention. There are four factions to play as – Viking, Anglo-Saxon, German, Slav – and each have their own pros and cons. Some have better archers, other have better foot soldiers, while another might have better horsemen, and so on. The AI is incredible efficient in switching up tactics and putting up a good fight. There’s also multiplayer, which is immensely fun.

Pros: Looks great Good strategic depth Smart AI Varied campaigns

Cons: Campaigns are easy Hard to find online matches at times

Score – 8.5/10


Take command of your army as you storm through medieval Europe in an extensive series of campaigns. Choosing one of the four available nations – Viking, Anglo-Saxon, German, Slav – you will be tasked with more than just conquering, raiding and pillaging enemy camps, villages and towns. Only by utilizing the full range of available tactical options, taking strategic advantage of the environment, and managing your temporary bases and settlements, will you emerge victorious.

Ancestors Legacy is a history-inspired real-time strategy game influenced by historical events in the Middle Ages. The game combines resource management and base building with large-scale, squad-based battles across vast battlefields, all rendered in great detail thanks to the Unreal Engine 4 tech. Experience medieval bloodshed like never before, thanks to the cinematic action camera that puts you right in the middle of the battle at the press of a button.


  1. 4 playable nations in an extensive single player campaign inspired by historical events

  2. Advanced tactical options combining the use of terrain, experience and morale

  3. Cinematic battle camera view puts you right in the center of the action

  4. Outstanding visual fidelity powered by Unreal Engine 4

  5. Intense multiplayer battles

  6. Streamlined resource management and village construction

  7. Precise controls with native gamepad support

  8. Cross-play support between Steam and GoG


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