OUR SCORE - 10/10
The Last of Us Part 1, rebuilt from the ground up with a new graphics engine is now finally available on PC. It's perfect if you love The Last of Us, and if you just want to play it with better graphics and a few comfort options.

On the PS5, The Last of Us Part 1 Remake offers two display modes. The performance mode favors maintaining 60 frames per second, and the fidelity mode, especially suitable for large screens, favors the display in 4K with as much detail as possible, but with 30 frames per second. The PC version finally combines the best of both worlds, giving users complete control over how they want to experience this masterpiece.

The accessibility section of the game has been expanded, with the various modern options essential for some players. Other than that, there are no major fundamental changes to note before launching the game. We will also note the addition of a Permanent Death mode, for those who like challenges (and suffer), as well as a Speedrun mode, for players who appreciate this particular form of competition. It is interesting to see it integrated natively into a game that is largely atmospheric and narrative.

The game is eye-popping on PC. The graphics are detailed at every level, and you can see that no facet of the game has been overlooked. The environments are rich, the play of shadows and lights are stunning. The game still suffers a little from the effect "It was already as beautiful in my memories.", explainable by the fact that the original is not that old. The characters look more human and realistic than ever, which is essential for a story so closely tied to them. The faces received special attention, but some also changed significantly from their original model. This sometimes alters the perception and the image that we form of these characters, which is not necessarily a good thing, especially for a game that has not dared to touch anything else.

Joel, for example, gives the impression of being significantly older than in the original game, which overlaps with the second title, when he still gave the impression of being in the prime of life. at the time. The same goes for Tress, her teammate who originally seemed younger and more surly, and who here gives the image of an older and lost woman. Not everyone will necessarily perceive the evolution of their face in this way, and it can be argued that it suits their character better. But it is not easy to revise the mental image that we have of a well-established character.

The Remake has retained what was the strength of the original title, such as the fact that you can be killed in an instant if a situation is mishandled. But it's also preserved some of its more notable quirks, like your characters leveling up by swallowing twenty-plus-year-old pills lying around, and purple flowers picked up from thickets.
The Last of Us Remake is a worthy remake that stands to the expectations of both new and old fans alike. It doesn't matter whether you're already a die-hard fan of the title or a total newcomer, either way, it's a commendable game. The only thing the game needs is a beefy system to run without issues.